Current 2024 Investors:
Rooftop Advocate $5000+
Stephen & Michelle Daggett, United Way of Becker County Grant, Becker County Children's Initiative, MN State Arts Board Grant, Lake Region Arts Council Grant, MAVA Grant, Becker County Opioid Settlement Funds, MN Deed Grant
Pillar Patron $1000+
Adrienne Buboltz, Wild Rice Electric Trust, Dave & Kathy Carter (All in All), Cody & Maria Ranz, Sacred Heart Catholic Church, David Kragnes, Hobart Township, Max & Judy Maxwell, Midco, Clint & Lindsay Warriner, Nanett & Scott Johnson
Foundation Champion $500+
Papa Murphy's of DL, Karen & Dan Pifher, Leah Stockstrom, Koshnick Jr Family Fund, Alpha Delta Kappa Sorority Inc, Sheryl Blaine, Candor Township, Delta & Karen Daggett, David & Janine Schneider
Beam Builder $250+
Minnesota Title & Closing, Arvig, Lisa and Marcel Sluke, Ta Fett, Class Reunion 1980, 81, 82
Keystone Supporter $100+
Maria Voigt (Essentia Health Volunteer Hours), Rebbecca Wutzke (Essentia Health Volunteer Hours), The Hideaway Resort (Al & Marg Chirpich), First Lutheran Church, Foltz Trucking, Christine Daggett, John Anderson, Drew Daggett, Randy Guettner, Dylan & Tabitha Branden, Lavon Dennistoun, Shirley Mayfield, Austin Bachmann, Annette & Dan Kaldahl, Jack & Kathy Dretsch, Dodie Hodgsen, Elise & Erik Anderson, Dale Tyge, Dave & Aleisa Jopp, Albert Doll, Rich & Rose Roforth, Rob Thompson, Deb Herbst, Katie Grindall, Tomlinson Schultz, T. S. Dock & Lift Services, Julie Hardmeyer, Rotary International, Katie Vasey, Mischale & Barrett Buhr, Northwestern Minnesota Synodical Women, Katie Vasey (Essentia Health Volunteer Hours), Holly Elijah (Essentia Health Volunteer Hours), Katie Grindal
Cornerstone Friend $1+
D & D Appliance, China Buffet, Kelsey Roth (In Honor of Christy Staab), Lynn & Bev Hummel (In Memory of Marion Brenk), Lauryl Ivers, Susan Christensen
GEMs (Give Every Month)
Laura & Kyler Hanson, Anonymous (In honor of Frazee Community Development)
Capital Campaign Donors:
We would like to thank our initial investors listed below who helped complete our original Capital Campaign Goals from 2019 though 2023 with your donations & pledges!
In 2028 when all pledges have been fulfilled, our capital campaign goal of $925,000 (including value of donated church $390,000) will have been achieved!
Foundational Block $100,000+ Level
United Methodist Church of Frazee, Anonymous
CornerStone $50,000+ Level
USDA Rural Development, Essentia Health, Dan and Karen Pifher, Trieglaff Family/ Thrivent
Legacy $20,000+ Level
WE Fest, Becker County Children's Initiative, Virgil and Sharon Trieglaff Jons, Lakeshirts, Lake Region Art Council
Placemaker $10,000+ Level
City of Frazee, Otto Bremer Foundation, University of MN Extension RSDP, Detroit Lakes Area Foundation, KLN, Bob Klabunde & Heather Ware Nelson
Innovator $5,000+ Level
Daggett Truck Line, Yak Shack, Lakes Region Electric Co-op Foundation, Blandin Foundation, Otter Tail Power Company, Detroit Lakes Breakfast Rotary, Partnership 4 Health, United Way of Becker County, Bob & Loxley Koshnik, Paul & Amelia Damlo, Jim & Jenni Eveslage, Darrell & Mary Norstebon, Bill and Nelaina Daggett, Nizhoni/Faith/Hope/Liam/Grace/Serenity Hamm, Watson Family, Marlys Jacobson(Karinall Estate), Nate & Stacey Schwendeman, United Community Bank, Brandon & Angie Olson (Lucky Little Learners), Twice Blessed
Mentor: $1,000+ Level
DL public school's Philanthropy and Youth (PaY) Program, Bell Bank, OK Lumber and Hardware, Self Above Service Foundation, Steve's Sanitation, Leighton Broadcasting, MN Title Company, Norby's, Ryan and Jessica Stockstrom, Jackie Lucca & Dana Eckre, Anna Potvin, Tony and Nicole Schmitz, Jolene Tappe, Midwest Bank, Anderson Bus Company, BTD, Shauna Yliniemi, Wayne & Becky Mickelson, Denyce Biewer, Delta & Karen Daggett, Anonymous (In honor of Frazee Community Development)
All Other Levels of Donations from Call-a-Thon Oct 13th 2023 - Thank you!!
Hank Ludtke, Max Knoll #ToadLakeStore, Adam Aho, Amelia Damlo, Amelia Holmer, Amy Weise, Andrea Kubat, Ann & Pete Graham (In Memory of Marlys Loibl), Ann Graham, Ame Reiling, At Ease Dock and Lift, B & M Electric, Bill Daggett, Brock Webber-Webber Family Motors, Bruce & Gail Sonneberg, Carol Taylor, Carrie Johnston, Chris Baumler, Chris Happel, Class of 1963, Connie Berg, Danielle Graham, Danita Ketter (Hair & Co.), Dave and Nancy Ferguson, Dean Albertson, Corrine & Greg Mueller, Dean Hilluka, Denise Fett, Denise Gaard, Dennis Happel, Marty & Diane Aho, Diane Schumacher, Dick Duffney, Douglas Harthan, E Stilke, Ed Gerhcke, Emily Reiewer, Frazee Care Center, Frazee Family Foods, Healthy Movements Physical Therapy LLC, Holiday Inn, Holly Drewes, Holly Elijah, Howard Mooney, Jacki Graham, Jayden Blake, Jena Reierson, Jennifer Hagman, Jennifer Krueger, Jerry Newton, Jessica & Josh Miosek, Jill Brandt, Jill Daniels, Jim Duncan, Joe Stenger Jr, Joe Sternhagen, John Bergman, John & Mary Olson, John Rader, Jonathan Strand, Jonna Jopp, Jordan Thiringer, Kalli Novak, Kathleen Klein, Kathy & Rich Michaelson, Kathy Coyle, Kathy Graham, Katie Vasey, Kayla Ulschmid, Kelli Schiffner, Kelly Flynn, Kelsey Varty, Kevin Ketter (Ketter's Meats), Kevin Christianson, Khristy Enderle, Kim Anderson, Kim Crissinger, Kim Flatau, Kiwanis Club of Detroit Lakes, Kristi Myhrer, Lakes Upholstery LLC, Matt & Laura Aho, Lesa Engel, Lisa Mayfield, Luke Lenius, Madalyn Sukke, Maria Voigt, Mark Aho, Marlys & Jerry Oswald, Marlys Jacobson, Marsha Swenson, Mary Waller, Mary Rotter, Maureen Karsnia, Melissa Christainson, Michon Renee, Mike & Amy Stearns, Mike & Cara Frank, Mischale & Barrett Buhr, MisChelle Thompson, Missy Daggett, Nancy Murphy, Nathan & Rebecca Matejka, Neighbor to Neighbor, New Life Farms (Ross & Christy Mickelson), Norma Grotnes (Valhalla), Patti & Dave Trautman, Perham Family Dentistry, Price's Jewelry, Robert Wagenman, S & G Distribution (Jeff Skogmo), Sara Eck (In Loving Memory of Selah Jensen), Scott & Tessa Thomas, Scott Olson (Olson Jewelry), Shawdee Ghavimi, Shawna Grierson-Friesen, Michell Stearns, Sherry & Jim Blaine, Shyla Conrad, Stenger Excavating (Tim & Susan), Stephanie Anderson, Stephanie King, Steph Winjum, Steve Carlson, Sue Berg, Sue Gunwall, Summer & Jeff Johannsen, Susan Doom, Tammie Nunn, Terri Osterman, The Palace Cafe, Tony Stock (Outlet Recreation), Tracey Treinen, Tracy Boldt, Tracy Erb (Vintage & Vogue), Twila Aslesen, Tyanne Jacobson, Zirbel Construction LLC, Kari Holmer, Gloria Nelson, TEAM Industry, Frazee Family Foods